Page name: the ultimate rpg: a new begining [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-04 15:33:44
Last author: Tis gone but never gone
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 20
D20: 20
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From the creator of The Ultimate RPG come The Ultimate RPG: A New Begining

This wiki is very similair to The Ultimate RPG in that you can be whatever you want and have whatever powers you want, however I want this wiki to be a little more open for instance, The Ultimate RPG you need my permission to join or even look at, this one I want everyone to be able to join and feel free to RP. If however people are asses again I will probably get pissed and make this password protected so you have been warned.

A little background info for you all:
Since we have all sorts of charectors in this wiki, background info is too hard to post, if you wish you may put indiviual charector background info on your info

Here are the official Rules of this wiki, obey them and you shall be fine, disobey them and [wolvie] shall get pissed off majorly
Rule 1:
DO NOT INSULT OTHER PEOPLES CHARECTORS!!!! Everybody is unique and look at things in a unique way so play nice damnit!
Rule 2:
Swearing is alright however, do not use racial or sexist terms or I will kick your sorry ass out
Rule 3:
This is just a game, please do not get all emo if something happens on here that you didnt want to (ie: a girl you wanted falls for someone else) again this is not the real world calm down peoples
Rule 4:
THIS IS NOT A FUCKING CHAT WIKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you want to chat please either go to Wolvie's chat of doom or the loosers club. Any and all chat comments shall be deleted
Rule 5:
NO KILLING OF CHARECTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One more time and this wiki goes password not joking!!!!

I may add more rules later so be aware of that, now then lets get this started to join just fill out your information like i did, right here 
Here is the member page add your info here thank you
Note: You may have a MAX of 3 pics

Full Name: Logan/ other personality: James
Alias's: Wolverine, Wolvie
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Powers: Heals rapidly from virtually all wounds, has animal like senses, has retractable claws that come out of the knuckles, has an unbreakable adamantium skeleton, has no memories of his past life, was part of the Weapon X experiment, and can turn into a wolf at will
Has a dark half named James that takes controll over him at times and is pure evil
Weapons: Retractable claws, uses guns from time to time
Logan & the amazing L.T. ----><img:>
James ----><img:>
Wolf form ----><img:>

Full Name: Bruce Dickinson [he's fun :D]
Alias': errrr....Brucey :D
Age: 23 [for he is magicly young again yay :D]
Gender: Male
Powers: he is evils :D nah not really he is like a kickass singer and haas kickass singing abilities? o.0 no wait i know :D he can heal others but not himself and this causes a horrible drain on him
Weapons: he doesn't like em :0

Full Name: Spike
Alias': none yet
Age: 1 year old
Gender: Male
Powers: he's a fire demon dog, he can make fire out of nothing and use it to attack anything/anyone he finds as a threat however he's a puppy and really has a very sweet disposition, he used to belong to James who constantly abused him to try and make him as mean as possible, he fears James and tries to do his best to please him to avoid his wrath
Weapons: his teeth and fire

Full name: Vixen Takoma/ other personality: Kira
Alias: Vix
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Powers: telepathy, spells, automatic healing, control of demons and angels, able to take other or copy others powers, has a split personality one is good the other was evil but for some odd reason has changed
Kira---> <img:stuff/aj/49600/kira-neko.jpg>
Vix---> <img:>

Full name: Anna Marie
Alias: Rogue
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Powers: she can drain the energy (life), memories, and in the case of mutants their powers and adapt them as her own
Other info: [for the hell of it :D] her family is known to logan but not when he's logan her family are good friends with his other side James and she is deathly afraid of James for reasons known only to her and him.

Full Name: Liza Kornakova
Alias: n/a
Age: 18
Gender: female
Powers: she can control fire and teleport and has almost figured out time travel
Other info:errr cheese xd

character name: Kait
Race/species:[Silverline]-style vampire
Powers:can see into future or past,create force fields, and influence thoughts/actions of others. Has deadly accurate aim.
Weapons: Anything she can get her hands on. Almost never uses guns.
History:(workin on it)
[picture coming soon]

Full name: Marius Vergilius
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Werwolf
Powers: He can turn in to a wolf at will.
Weapons: He fights as a wolf, or any thing close.
History: He lived with his uncle till he was ten when his uncle was killed. He now just travels.

If you have any questions just message [wolvie] dont post question on the RPG area they will be ignored and deleted

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles and gets up, "Fine" he flips Logan off

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles back "well good"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sang 'sweet caroline' softly as she walked

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Yeah" he stretches lightly

Logan rolls his eyes and chuckles then walks again, walking into Lisha on accident

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue sighed "i do feel bad for him"

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen giggles "well good"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisah stubbled back,"hey"she said softly she looked at Logan

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "What's so funny?"

Logan jumps a little, "Sorry didn't mean to"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"No it's fine."she said shyly. She was always shy with new people but most with guys.

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles back "Not sure"

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Your weird"

Logan smiles gently, "Well sorry" he says then starts walking again

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded and looked down and walked away

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: [What I miss]

2010-02-26 [Silverline]: Kait looked at Marius and chewed her lip

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: [i is not sure XD]

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen sticks her tongue out at him

Rogue "its only fair he knows" she follows after Logan "hey!"

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "How rude"

Logan turns, "Yeah?"

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles back "am not"

Rogue "i thought about it and i think you should know what he did"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha looked down as she walks

2010-02-26 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "Come on I have an extra room."

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce, "You so are" he chuckles

Logan, "And what did he do?"

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen shakes her head "nope"

Rogue sighs "well he was abusive and not just physically and he somehow twisted everything around my family think im a whore" she frowns

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Damnit I say you are and I'm always right"

Logan frowns also, "Ah kid...I'm so sorry..."

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen giggles "well fine then dammit"

Rogue nods.

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Yay I win :D"

Logan frowns, wanting to help her but not sure how

2010-02-26 [Silverline]: Kait bit her lip "Are you sure?"

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles "this time"

Rogue "well bye" she turns and walks.

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce, "And every other time and you know it"

Logan, "Bye" he mutters

[and now to make it more intense like :D] all of a sudden a huge firey dog demon appears, snarling as it goes to lunge and murder Lisha [dum dum dum!]

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen "nope"

Rogue turns still walking "didnt mean to bum ya out"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha turned and saw the firey dog, she held out her hands as a blue light came shoting out and hit the dog turning it into ice.

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Why not?"

Logan smiles softly, "Not your fault" he shrugs a little

The dog yelps before freezing

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "well i dont know"

Rogue smiles back "and technically its not yours either"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha frowned at the dog as she walked to it,"Why are you trying to kill me?" she whispered

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles

Logan, "But still I feel bad for you"

The dog growls softly, I have to

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha blinks,"Wow I can hear you. Anyways why?"

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen holds her hand out "im Vixen"

Rogue "dont be i've dealt with it"

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "I'm Bruce" he shakes her hand but carefully

Logan nods, "if you say so"

The dog, my master sent me

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vixen smiles back "nice to meet ya"

Rogue nods "I know so"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"And this master would be?"

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce nods bowing lightly to her, "likewise"

Logan, "Well alright then"

The dog, i'm not telling you

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Tell me or I'll break you."

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "guess i should be goin ^^"

Rogue smiles and goes back to walking

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "See ya then ass" he giggles

Logan smiles back a little and starts looking for shelter for the night

The dog looks kind of fearful, his name is James

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix sticks her tongue out "quit lookin at mai ass"

Rogue hums as she walks

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"And why would he want me dead?"

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles, "Why?"

The dog smirks, he fears you

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "cause its mine?"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Me? Why me?"

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Hmmmm you have a point there"

The dog, ask him

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Fine, I will. Where is he?"

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "of course"

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles

The dog smirks and tells her where logan is

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back "strange man"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded and walked away but left the dog still frozen

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce, "I know right?"

Logan is laying down and frowning

The dog growls at her as she leaves

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix nods "right"

Rogue happens upon the dog frowning "oh you poor thing"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walked up to Logan,"Oh you again."she snapped

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles

Logan looks over at Lisha, "What?" he asks kind of confused

The dog looks at Rogue and tries to whine

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Is it true that your trying to kill me because you fear me?"

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "uh ya know what we should do?"

Rogue smiles then manages to unfreeze the dog "there ya go"

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce shrugs, "No clue"

Logan frowns, "Me no my other half" he shrugs, "it's possible"

The dog shakes its fur off then grins at her

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "so boring"

Rogue "k bye doggie" she gets up and starts walking.

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha nodded,"So why do you fear me then, huh?"

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles, "You come up with something"

Logan shrugs, "I don't know I swear I don't you'd have to ask him and I really don't want him to have controll"

The dog whines and follows Rogue [i shall add it's info's tomorrow :D]

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "then i say its your job to"

Rogue turns around "yes dog?"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I want to talk to him to find out why on earth he wants me dead."

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Uhhhh damn no fair"

The dog wags his tail, can I come?

Logan, "Well I'm sorry but I really don't want him to controll me again, see lots of innocent people get hurt when he's in control"

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Well I can take care of myself. So bring him or I'll make you bring him out."

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "fair enough"

Rogue nods "sure i dont see why not"

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Logan growls, "I'm not bringing him" he says stubbornly

Bruce smiles, "Is so not"

The dog smiles then trots over to her

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Bring him out."she said just as stubbornly.

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back "is too"

Rogue smiles petting the dog "where's your owner?"

2010-02-26 [wolvie]: Logan, "Fuck you" he says then rolls to his side so his back is to her

Bruce, "Gah your eyeball stinks" he says randomly

The dog wags his tail, my owner just sent me to kill someone since I failed I don't think he'd be pleased and I really don't want to go back, you should be my owner instead

2010-02-26 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha growls,"Don't you turn you back on me!"she knelt down and turned him to face her,"Bring him out, please I have to know why he wants to kill me."

2010-02-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "my what?"

Rogue giggles "well alright then" she walks with the dog by Logan and Lisha humming softly

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles all proud like, "Your nose fool!"

Logan growls back at her, not notocing Rogue or the dog, "If I do he'll cause more pain and bloodshed!"

The dog see's Logan and whines, trying to hide behind ROgue

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles more "but you said my eyeballs"

Rogue gently pets the dog "Its ok"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "That stinks worse" he giggles as well

The dog starts to slowly wag his tail, really?

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back "you're so weird"

Rogue nods "of course it is"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce, "But loveable?"

The dog nods then smiles, ok then

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles "fine"

Rogue smiles back "so whats your name?"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Yay :D"

The dog shrugs, no?

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles

Rogue "so you dont have one then imma call you Spike?"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles and does a happy little dance :D

The dog wags his tail, Spike? hmmmm I like it

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back "awesome dancin"

Rogue smiles "well alright"
[brb gonna restart my comp]

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Why thanks :D"

Spike smiles back and woofs lightly
[no die!]

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [i didnt :D]

Vix "you are very welcome"

Rogue giggles opening the door to her house "go on in"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: [wootness then :D]

Bruce giggles, "I like you random lady with the stinky eyeballs"

Spike looks at her for a second then slowly walks in, sniffing around

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "Like you too weird guy"

Rogue follows inside and then heads up to her room

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce gasps, "I'm not weird"

Spike wags his tail then follows Rogue

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "but its a loveable weird"

Rogue smiles "you'll like it"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Brue then smiles, "Well fine then"

Spike smiles back, it's wonderful your much nicer then my old master

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back "well now what?"

Rogue smiles "well im glad"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce, "We eat pie! :D"

Spike nods, i hope I never see that James again he shivers slightly

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "sounds good to me"

Rogue tenses up a little "james?"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Then to the pie store?"

Spike looks over at her then nods, describing logan to her, he was my master...I don't want to be his dog though he's mean

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles teleporting them there.

Rogue "i know james he's a family friend..."

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce jumps, "'d ya do that?" he asks curiously

Spike lowers his ears, does he come over alot?

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles "sorry i have powers"

Rogue shrugs "I guess but i usually lock my door and stay in my room i hate him..."

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, looking impressed, "Sweet me two but mine is lame"

Spike nods, he can't get in can he?

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "what are yours?"

Rogue "normally he doesnt try unless he wants somethin from me" she shakes lightly.

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce, "I can heal others if their hurt"

Spike frowns then nuzzles against her gently

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "thats pretty helpful"

Rogue smiles petting him "im ok though i do feel bad for logan"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "it's not too bad but it drains me"

Spike, Logan? he asks, tilting his head lightly

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "well thats not good"

Rogue nods "well the guy who is really suppose to be in control james is his other half he didnt know what james was doing"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce shrugs a little then smiles, "Tis k"

Spike nods, oh I see is their anything we could do to help?

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back "pie?"

Rogue shrugs "Im not sure"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Pie"

Spike nodds then yawns

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles then goes getting pie

Rogue smiles "sleepy dog"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, helping her to get the pie :D

Spike smiles back and nods, i know I'm sorry master he yawns again

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "Now we have pie"

Rogue "you dont have to call me master and its ok to get sleepy"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Omg your right :D"

Spike wags his tail, laying his head lightly on her arm, ok master

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles.

Rogue yawns

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles then steals teh pie :D

Spike smiles, falling asleep

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: vix "hey jerk"

Rogue falls asleep as well

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I do not care if he dose that. I need to know what I have done to this James that he wants to kill me so badly."

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Mai pie you fool"

Logan growls at her then suddendly snarls as James starts to struggle for the controll

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Don't you growl and snarl at me."she snapped

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles back "hey i helped you get it"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Logan growls more, pushing his claws out and trying to keep himself in controll, not paying Lisha any attention

Bruce, "" he giggles

2010-02-27 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix pouts cutely "pie please?"

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha rolled ehr eyes at him,"Just let me talk to him okay?"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Awe I can't resist that" he smiles, giving her back the pie

Logan slashes out at her blindly then screams in pain when James violently regains the controll and smirks at Lisha, "Hello Lisha"

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha jumped back from the slahes then she looked at James."Hello person that wants me dead for reasons I do not know."

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: James gets up and stretches, "You must be even stupider then you look"

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha shrugged,"Depends on who you ask." she sighed,"Why do you want me dead?"

2010-02-27 [wolvie]: James smirks, "Your a threat to me"

2010-02-27 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"How so? What have I ever done to you, huh?"she looked at him all cute like.

2010-02-28 [Silverline]: Kait bit her lip "Are you sure, Marius?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James, "Cuz I say so" he says then tries to slash her arm

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha sighed and moved out the way,"Why do you fear me?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James smirks, "I fear nothing you stupid bitch" he says cockily

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Then why did your pet doggie tell me that, huh?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James growls, "That fucking mangy mutt I'll have his head for that...he was lying obviously"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Well your furry little pet is on ice, right now."

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James smirks, "On ice? what does that mean?"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"I froze it."she rolled her eyes

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James, "How pray tell did you accomplish that?"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"You really want to see?"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James nods, "Yes I do" he smirks, moving close to her with surprising speed then running a claw over her throat, "It may even prolong your life a few more minutes" he smirks

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha raised an eyebrow at him,"Oh really, hot stuff?" she giggles as she teleports behind him,"BOO!"she giggles

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James jumps then snarls in anger, quickly turning to face her, "What the hell do-how the fuck did you do that?!"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Be nice to me and I'll tell ya. Hell with my power I could give you your own body, so you don't have to share with that other dude. Sorry I forgot his name."

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "yay"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce bows to her and giggles

James starts to growl then stops at the tempting offer, "Why would you want to do that?"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: [What tis I miss]

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: [errrrrrrrrrrrr nothin really bruce and vix got pie :D a demon dog sent by james tried to kill lisha but now lives with rogue XD that's bout it i think @_@]

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"Oh I don't know? Maybe I can't resit a hot guy in need of his own body? Or maybe I'm that bored."she shurgged

2010-02-28 [Silverline]: Kait bit her lip "Are you sure, Marius?" [Lol for the third time]

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded

2010-02-28 [Silverline]: Kait, "okay, where do you live?"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: Marius, "Downtown."

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: James raises a brow, instantly growing distrustfull of her, "And I should trust you why?"

2010-02-28 [Silverline]: Kait smiled a bit, "Well lets go,"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha shrugged,"Why dose anyone trust?"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: Marius nodded and started walking

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles "you're nice"

Rogue gets up and goes out for a walk.

2010-02-28 [Silverline]: Kait walked beside Marius

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "So's the you"

Spike curls up more, wanting to stay asleep

James, "Gimme a reason to trust first" he says, looking at her with distrust

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "woo then"

Rogue looks around not payin attention as bumps into James

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha,"A reason? Do I need one? I haven't hurt you or anything, so isn;'t that a reason?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "please just cause someone hasnt hurt you doesnt mean they wont"

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: Marius walked with her

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles, "And a t as well? for then it would be woot instead of just plain woo"

James starts to reply to Lisha then growls, turning around and stabbing Rogue's arm when she bumps into him, "Watch where you--" he starts then recognizes Rogue and smirks, "well well well what have we here?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles "both work here"

Rogue grabs her arm "a girl who's bored" she shrugs deciding not to let James scare her she genuinely wanted to help Logan

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha looked at Rogue,"Interseting. Well I'm off, see ya hot stuff." she winked at James then teleported away

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue glared in her direction then looks a bit confused i am so not jealous...well not for this side poor logan v.v

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Well damn" he giggles

James growls, "Oh good fucking going you always fuck up my chances for something better Rogue" he says then smacks Rogue as hard as he can

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles "you can have the pie"

Rogue squeaks rubbing her cheek "yea so? what about logan i think he deserves a better half!"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "Nah you can have the pie"

James growls, grabbing Rogue's arms, digging his nails into them fiercly, "That bastard deserves nothing"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "no its yours now"

Rogue bites her lip to keep from crying out in pain "no you deserve nothing"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce, "But that's not fair to you :^O"

James growls more and shakes her then snarls, feeling Logan trying to take the controll, he drops Rogue, kicking her aside, "damnit Logan I'm not letting you win this time!"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles "i'll make me a pie"

Rogue grabs her side shaking

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "homemade pie? I want that instead :D"

James snarls, fighting to keep the control, he slashes himself angrilly, trying in vain to hurt Logan

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles "well alright"

Rogue shakes "Logan you can do it"

2010-02-28 [Silverline]: Kait looked at the ground as she walked

2010-02-28 [WASHACKED]: [Took a while XD]

Marius walked up to a building

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, bouncing in excitement

James snarls, collapsing and shaking then screaming in anger when Logan finally manages to get his control back

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles and starts walking towards her home.

Rogue winces in pain as she tries to get up

2010-02-28 [Silverline]: [Sorry :( I didn't see it ]

Kait followed him quietly

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, following her

Logan shakes his head to clear it, wondering what James did now then frowns, seeing Rogue, "Kid?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix smiles "my small but quaint home"

Rogue manages to sit up "im ok"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles back, "I love it very badass"

Logan frowns, kneeling by her, "God kid what happend to you?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix giggles "thanks kira decorated it"

Rogue "I was walkin bumped into james then i snipped at him"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Who'se that?"

Logan frowns more, "Awe you poor...jesus your bleeding" he shakes slightly in worry for her

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix shrugs "my other half"

Rogue tries to get up "i'll be ok"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce tilts his head, looking confused

Logan gently puts a hand on her arm, not knowing about her power, "No not ye--" he starts then stops, feeling her power working

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix "well um i uh its hard to explain"

Rogue pushes Logan away as her wounds heal she looks frightfully at him "oh god im so sorry"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce, "Try me"

Logan shakes his head to clear it, "It's alright what happend?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix nods and explains to him about Kira.

Rogue "im sorry it was my powers..."

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce frowns a little

Logan shrugs, "DOn't be it's better at least your healed now"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix nods "ya get used to it"

Rogue shrugs "yea"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce nods, "Well I'm always here if you need to talk or ya know anything"

Logan smiles a little, "Next time don't piss of James"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix nods "ok thanks"

Rogue smiles back "i was tryin to help you guess i need to rethink my plans next time"

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce nods then pounces her randomly

Logan nods, "Why bother with trying to help me?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix eeps and giggles.

Rogue shrugs "I dunno"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha appeared in some random place and started walking.

2010-02-28 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, lightly tickling her

Logan, "Well you don't need to ok?"

2010-02-28 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Vix eeps and tries to protect her sides giggling.

Rogue "well i want to"

2010-02-28 [Tis gone but never gone]: Lisha walked as she hums

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